Production Microphones Comparison Test


Production Microphones Comparison TestBehind The Scenes

by Edward Bauman on June 23, 2014 with 1 comment

I did this production microphone comparison test while I was in gear transition with the intent of sharing the sonic qualities of every microphone I had in hands with people that are interested on this subject. This comparison tests the sonic qualities between the microphones Neumann 82i, KM150 and KM145; Sennheiser 416t and 8050; and …

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Violin recording session


Violin recording sessionBehind The Scenes

by Edward Bauman on July 20, 2014 with 3 comments

This past week I was hired to record a few lines of violin being played by Caroline R. Cloutier for a yet to be released short film called “Love in Motion” by Rick Harkness. There was no budget to rent a studio with full acoustic treatment and great pre-amps, so I had to record the session …

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