Production Microphones Comparison Test


Production Microphones Comparison TestBehind The Scenes

by Edward Bauman on June 23, 2014 with 1 comment

I did this production microphone comparison test while I was in gear transition with the intent of sharing the sonic qualities of every microphone I had in hands with people that are interested on this subject. This comparison tests the sonic qualities between the microphones Neumann 82i, KM150 and KM145; Sennheiser 416t and 8050; and …

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Fireworks Recording Session


Fireworks Recording SessionBehind The Scenes

by Edward Bauman on September 7, 2014 with Comments Off on Fireworks Recording Session

This 30th of July of 2014, in between location sound gigs, I had the chance to arrive home 20 minutes before the starting of the fireworks competition – Celebration of Lights -France Day. Quickly I grabbed some stands, microphones, cables, recorder, mixer and media to start my recording session. I recorded from my balcony, using …

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Violin recording session


Violin recording sessionBehind The Scenes

by Edward Bauman on July 20, 2014 with 3 comments

This past week I was hired to record a few lines of violin being played by Caroline R. Cloutier for a yet to be released short film called “Love in Motion” by Rick Harkness. There was no budget to rent a studio with full acoustic treatment and great pre-amps, so I had to record the session …

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