Sennheiser 8050 and Schoeps CMC6MK41 Comparison Test


Sennheiser 8050 and Schoeps CMC6MK41 Comparison TestBehind The Scenes

by Edward Bauman on March 6, 2016 with Comments Off on Sennheiser 8050 and Schoeps CMC6MK41 Comparison Test

This post is a comparison test between the microphones Schoeps CMC6MK41 and Sennheiser 8050 within an interior setup. Various distances and angles were compared during this test. Performed by Edward Bauman and Natalia Lavalle Gutierrez The test was performed without gain changes, boompole, pop-filter, or any room treatments, revealing their purest possible sonic qualities. Enjoy, …

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Production Microphones Comparison Test


Production Microphones Comparison TestBehind The Scenes

by Edward Bauman on June 23, 2014 with 1 comment

I did this production microphone comparison test while I was in gear transition with the intent of sharing the sonic qualities of every microphone I had in hands with people that are interested on this subject. This comparison tests the sonic qualities between the microphones Neumann 82i, KM150 and KM145; Sennheiser 416t and 8050; and …

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